since 2024: Theatre studies, Leipzig University, Germany
2022 - 2023: Fine Art studies, performance art and scenography, Universitat Politèchnica de València, Spain
since 2020: Fine Art studies, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
- 23.11.2024: byebye 971 (group), Citylab 971, Rome, IT
- 23.07.2022: SISI (group), Kunstraum NEU DELI, Leipzig, DE
- 23.10.2021: Von Anbeginn zu Angesicht (group), Alter Schlachthof, Weimar, DE
- 25.09.2021: SHIP (group), YFA Festival, Kunsthalle Bremen, DE
- 23.11.2024: collective transgression with SENSORIUM collective, Citylab 971, Rome, IT
- 29.07.2024: ROSA ALBA (with Jonah Martensen), Fusion Festival, Lärz, DE
- 28.07.2024: ROSA RUBEA (with Jonah Martensen), Art Association Jena, Glashaus im Paradies, Jena, DE
- 07. & 08.06.2024: Action painting performance in Originale by Karlheinz Stockhausen, directed by Andrea Moses, Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar, DE
- 16.09.2023: physicality of sound (with Mario Pytark), Nova Art Space, Weimar, DE
- 17.06.2023: red tooth situation, NVCLI Examen Final Festival, Valencia, ESP
- 03.06.2023: burial no 1, Fandango del Cabanyal Horta, Valencia, ESP
- 01.06.2023: carry a rock, Tatre Circulo, Valencia, ESP
- 02.04.2023: duplication of self, Teatro El Musical, Valencia, ESP
- 02.01.2023: what we do to Mussolini (noise performance), UPV, Valencia, ESP
- 12.12.2022: Orphée (Hommage to Jean Cocteau), UPV, Valencia, ESP
- 26.11.2022: spit and fire, FUNDACIÓ CAIXA VINARÒS, Vinaròs, ESP
- 15.06.2024: Performer, performance fifteen of Marco Galletti, Atelier Montez, Rome, IT
- 22.06. - 23.06.2023: Performer, durational performance Water Into Wine III of Madeline Marone, HEAD Genève, Geneva, CHE
- 28.05.2023: Performer, 6-Day-Play of Hermann Nitsch (day 3), Prinzendorf, AT
- 23.07. - 01.08.2022: Performer, 6-Day-Play of Hermann Nitsch (day 1 and 2), Prinzendorf, AT